SOSI Main Office - Steamboat Springs, CO
705 Marketplace Plaza, Suite 200,
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
(970) 871-1234
Doctors at this location:
MRI Imaging Center - Steamboat Surgery Center
There is no special prep for any MRI exam except to hold still for about 35 minutes. There is an MRI safety screening sheet that needs to be filled out for each exam prior to scanning. You may take any pain relief medication prior to MRI to help with pain. You may need to remove certain metal if it is in the scan field and you will have a place to lock up valuables during your exam. We have certified technologists performing your MRI exam and Board Certified American College of Radiology Radiologists interpreting your exam with a specialty in Musculoskeletal Imaging. Your ordering physician will be discussing the results with you.